Command |
Example |
Description |
.player [player name] |
.player Tom Brady |
Returns player name, position, and status (fantasy team or FA) in league. |
.roster [team/user/first] |
.r Josh |
Returns the roster of a team. Just typing .r will return your roster if you are linked to a team. |
.picks [team/user/first] |
.picks Paul |
Returns current year and future draft picks owned by owner. Also shows picks that were traded away. Just typing .picks will return your own draft portfolio if you are linked to a team |
.standings |
.standings |
Returns league standings. Leagues with conferences require the conference name (.standings [conference name]) |
.schedule [team/user/first/week #] |
.s 4 |
Returns requested fantasy schedule. For completed weeks, will return the results. |
.nflschedule [team/week #] |
.nfls Eagles |
Returns requested NFL Schedule. |
.stat [position/week # / team] |
.stat Todd 4 WR |
Returns requested fantasy scores ranked highest to lowest. Takes up to three arguments in any order |
.freeagent [position] |
.fa qb |
Returns unowned players in your league ranked by projected fantasy points using your league's scoring system. Also returns players' opponents and opponent rank vs. the position. |
.draftboard [year] |
.draftboard 2009 |
Allows for quick retrieval of old draftboards (NOTE - Must be set up by LH Admin manually with .draftboardset) |
.whois [user] |
.whois ffbeast_1034 |
Returns team name, record, and motto of user |
.faab |
.faab |
Returns team budgets if league utilizes FAAB |
.help [command] |
.help roster |
Returns some info on a command |
.teamset [team name] |
.teamset Fantasy Rollers |
Links you in Slack/Discord to a particular fantasy team. |
.updateteam [team name] |
.updateteam Still Rolling |
Updates your fantasy team name for LeagueHub should you change it on MFL (NOTE - This is not regularly updated automatically) |
.homepage |
.homepage |
Returns link to league page |
.optin/.optout [preference] |
.optin weather |
Sets preference for user. Currently, you can opt in/out of WEATHER or INJURY reports. This is only for in-season use. |
Command |
Example |
Description |
.gif [gif search] |
.gif Saquon Barkley |
Returns a gif that (hopefully) has something to do with the search term. Currently Slack-only. |
.addquote [user/team/first] [full quote] |
.addquote Ben I can't believe I lost because of kneeldowns |
Saves a funny quote for posterity |
.randomquote [user/team/first] |
.randomquote Ben |
Returns a random quote authored by the searched person. Not adding a search term will choose a random quote from the league. |
.quote [id#/team/user] |
.quote 34 |
Returns every quote with id# in database from specified user. If id# provided, will provide full specified quote. |
.deletequote [id#] |
.deletequote 34 |
Will remove specified quote. Must use quote id#, which can be found with the .quote command |
.mottoset [motto] |
.mottoset All Your Picks Are Belong To Us |
Give your franchise a fearsome motto to mock other managers with. |
Command |
Example |
Description |
.leagueset [MFL League ID #] |
.leagueset 555555 |
Links Slack/Discord to MFL. Will load rosters/teams/rules/etc. |
.multiset [MFL League ID #] |
.multiset 555555 |
Same as leagueset, but REQUIRED for Slack Teams/Discord Guilds that will have multiple leagues using the same bot. |
.rsschannel |
.rsschannel |
Registers the current channel you're in as the RSS Channel. The bot will automatically post waivers, add/drops, and trades here. Updates every 15 minutes. |
.rosterupdate |
.rosterupdate |
Manually triggers LeagueHub to update rosters. Rosters update automatically once a day and will continue to update automatically throughout the day as add/drops, waivers, and trades are made. But should something look askew, this should fix it. |
.draftboardset [year] [link] |
.draftboardset 2005 |
Sets up a quick way to retrieve old drafts |
.adminset [user] |
.adminset ffbeast_1034 |
Changes the LeagueHub Admin to the user selected. This is immediate and can't be reversed unless the new Admin uses the same command |
.startdraft |
.startdraft |
Tells the bot to start monitoring for slow draft picks (not auctions). Bot will monitor for draft picks until league has 24 hours without a pick |
.startauction |
.startauction |
Tells the bot to start monitoring for auction nominations, bids, and wins. Bot will monitor for auction data until league has 24 hours without an update. |